The MBIP World Headquarters started off in 2012 in a studio apartment on Willow Knolls Drive. Four years later in 2016, I upgraded to a one bedroom apartment. This was the first time I had a bedroom since 1993, so it was kind of a big deal!
Well, we’ve moved the entire operation to a brand new, even larger, undisclosed location. I started moving in April and except for one spot, everything is finally pretty well in its place.
So I’d like to take you on a tour today of the MBIP World Headquarters new location so just like Jackie Gleason, awaaaay we go!
The Entrance
Here’s the front door to the new MBIP World Headquarters and check out the snazzy new welcome mat!
Okay, let’s go inside and start the official tour! This is pretty exciting!
The MBIP Kitchen and tasting area
Here’s the kitchen where I whip up my Marty Meals and frozen pizzas. As you can see there’s a full-sized refrigerator, a stove, there’s the MBIP frozen pizza oven and a microwave oven is over in the corner.
It’s everything and the kitchen sink, so there!
The Main Rooms
The main rooms are in here. It’s actually one room, but I’ve divided it into two sections. Let’s take a look at each section.
The Socializing and Entertainment Area And sgt. Squeak’s apartment
This is where I entertain and socialize with guests who visit the MBIP World Headquarters.
There’s a sofa, chairs, a bench, art and posters on the walls, two end tables and a coffee table.
There’s the entertainment center complete with a boombox I bought back in 1993 when I first moved to New York City! I bought it for twenty bucks from some cheapo electronics store on 14th Street. I’m amazed it still works.
To the right of that is the apartment of my roommate Sgt. Squeak with his friend the Gin Room Mouse.
My friend Amber created the good Sgt. and you can read all about him by clicking here. Thanks again, Amber, he’s been the best roommate anyone could ever have!
The Dining Library Room
This is the dining area complete with a dining table and all of my books, CD’s, albums and various knick-knacks and collectible items are on display here.
A dining area is something else I haven’t had since 1993 and it’s been nice eating somewhere other than standing over the stove!
The Hallway
I have big plans for this hallway and I’m hoping to have it completed by August. Stay tuned for a separate blog on that!
The Bathroom
Here’s the bathroom and a couple of obligatory bathroom mirror shots!
I love the candle section I set up. Check it out all lit up in the dark! Fire!
The Bedroom
Here’s both sides of the bedroom. This room is about the size of my old New York apartment!
I really need to start riding that exercise bike and I’m going to start…tomorrow!
There’s the MBIP desk, where this blog is painstakingly created almost every stinking day! Above the desk is a self-portrait that my brother Jim drew and next to that is an article about Yours Fooly in the PJ Star, written by Phil Luciano. It explains that it’s Marty’s World and you’re living in it!
There’s some fun items on TV trays including a punching nun given to me by my friend, Blondie! Thanks, Blondie!
There’s a framed article about the sad demise of the Mars Bar, two articles about POP and fishwrap in Spin magazine and my favorite press clipping of all time when fishwrap was the Zine of the Month in Sassy magazine!
Okay, this now concludes the official tour of the new MBIP World Headquarters. I hope you enjoyed it!
I’ll show you to the door now.