In August of 2020, Lego started a new product line called, Lego Art, which allows people to make portraits and art using Lego pieces.
Well, someone right here in Peoria beat Lego at their own game by about seven years!
Ted Tiller started making Lego art way back in 2013 and you can see a picture of one of his early creations of la ocal tavern, The Red Barn, by clicking here and scrolling down to the second picture. In 2015 Ted started working on creating his very own Star Wars inspired universe in his garage.
I went to see it in 2018 and was blown away by his work! I returned again in 2019 and 2021 and each time I was just amazed by what he’s done and created.
I recently ran into Ted and he told me he’s added a lot to his Star Wars Garage and invited me over to take a look. And so that’s where we’re headed right now, armed with the trusty MBIP Camera!
There’s Ted in front of the garage. It looks like any other garage with the doors down, but once you enter, it’s a whole new and original Lego-inspired, jaw-dropping universe!
Let’s have a little theme music to get us in the mood and let’s go on in…
Wow, it’s always an amazing sight when you enter in here with the lights off! Truly unbelievable and this has to be the most unique and original garages in Peoria!
And when Ted hits the lights in here, the Star Wars theme starts to play! Perfect!
George Lucas would be so proud of this!
Here’s the garage with the lights on.
Okay, lights, camera…action!
There’s Ted with the front section of his Lego-driven Star Wars galaxy in the front of the gargage. This is so impressive and unbelievably built from Lego pieces!
Here’s Ted showing us different sections and levels where there’s scenes and character underneath the top floors. How cool is this?
Let’s take a look at the back section of this Star Wars garage universe!
There’s a lot of new additions and you could spend hours in here and not see everything that Ted has put in place in here!
Photos don’t do this place justice, Ted should really open this up to the public and charge admission!
It’s so cool to look at all the different figures and characters on display in here!
And don’t forget to look up when you’re in here…
There’s a whole Lego-driven sky exhibit roaring overhead in here!
When I first visited the Star Wars Garage back in 2018, Ted gave me a Lego figurine dedicated to me and his name was Darth Storius. Well, those that follow this blog will remember I had a fire in my apartment and sadly, Darth Storius was a victim of that sad day.
But check this out, Ted made a brand new figurine and ladies and gentlemen, I’m happy to show you, Darth Storius !!! I love it! How cool, thanks Ted!
And Darth is magnetized, so I put him in a place of honor on the MBIP World Headquarters Refrigerator!
Thanks for that Ted and for another fun and awesome tour of your fabulous Star Wars Gargage! May the force be with all of us!
Related Posts: Star Wars Peoria, Star Wars Peoria II and Peoria Star Wars III.