Tuesday is the new Saturday night. Especially if you’re into music, camaraderie, fun and a traveling community gathering.
I’m talking about the weekly Tuesday Listening Room Concert series right here in Peoria, Illinois. It’s a weekly mobile open mic concert that’s open to the public. If you’ve never been to one of these Listening Room events, keep on scrolling and you’ll see what it’s all about.
Then mark you calendar for next Tuesday and go and experience this cultural and musical community happening live at the next venue!
Here we are at the 3300 Event Center, but we’re not going in here this week, we’re going next door to…
The Third Chance Bar & Lounge. As you can see, winter is happening in full blast tonight, so let’s get inside where it’s warm and comfy!
They have a full dinner menu here and a nice dining area. Let’s cozy up to the bar and get something to drink.
Like magic, Brian and Shelby appear with a beer! Great to see both of them and now we can let this festive evening begin!
There’s gaming machines in the back, but tonight we’re not here to gamble, we’re here for the music, so let’s go through this door to the room next door.
What a fantastic and fun room! There’s pool tables, darts, foosball, a warm fireplace and a stage. I see a familiar face setting up the stage, let’s go and say hi!
It’s Sarah Marie Dillard who’s in charge of this event tonight, always wonderful to see her smiling face!
Sarah is the creator and the host of The Listening Room and it’s turned into one of Peoria’s most fun weekly musical events!
Every week it happens in a different venue and you can follow along and see updates, photos and videos by checking out The Listening Room’s facecrack page.
Sarah Marie Dillard - Your Host For The Evening!
Link: Love Never Dies Baby
Here’s a live stream video of the entire show!
Thanks to Sarah and all the musicians for a spectacular Listening Room show and event! A splendid time was had by all!
3300 W. Willow Knolls Dr.
Related Posts: Listening Room Live @: VFW Peoria Heights and The “33” Room.