So here’s what happened on MBIP after last week’s posts. Posted Monday and Tuesday’s posts and while woking on Tuesday night I got an horrific stomach-ache. I rarely get a stomach ache that last for more than four minutes, so I decided to go to bed and try and get to sleep and woke up around 4:30am with what felt like a hot ice poker drawing an abstract illustration of pain inside of my stomach walls.
I could hardly get out of bed, but managed to put the same clothes I had work the day before and pointed MBIP car downtown the hellscape known as the OSF ER.
I’m not putting down OSF, they have some of the greatest staff and doctors in the world, but the ER can be a cruel, time sucking affair.
I got there at around 5am and over 12 hours later, it was discovered I had a bad gallstone and was probably infecting my entire gallbladder and maybe even my liver!
I was sent to another wing, but this being the night before Thanksgiving, the department was overwhelmed and then I was told that they would be short-staffed the next day and I probably wouldn’t have my surgery until Friday or maybe even Saturday. At least I was in good care and they were giving me pain meds which was helping me deal with the whole situation.
Thursday and Friday came and went and finally on Saturday, I had my surgery and the evil gallbladder was gone, but the pain remained!
After some time, I was finally discharged yesterday afternoon, but this whole time has been a huge downtime for the the blog. I haven’t been able to post or gather material for new blogs, so here’s what’s happening this week.
Usually, even when I’m taking time off, I’m working on posts for upcoming blogs to have a nice back-log to work with and not be so jammed up. Well that stockpile is gone and I need to work new material up, so here’s what’s going to happen.
Luckily I have some material from last week that wasn’t used. So here’s this week’s MBIP Coming Attractions.
MBIP Coming Attractions
Tuesday: I had lunch with a very special guest stars at one of my favorite dining, drinking and downtown live music establishments, Jack’s On Adams. We had a delicious lunch and you may have seen our special guest star on a stage in or around Peoria! Stay tuned to find out who this is!
Wednesday: Davis Bros. Pizza is under new ownership in East Peoria and so I contacted MBIP Pal and Wheelman, Scott Turley to check out. Spoiler Alert: It did not disappoint and we were really impressed read all about this saucy East Peoria road trip on Wednesday!
Thursday: I was honored to be a special guest star on one of Peoria’s most unique and funny podcast’s The Couch Pilots Podcast. I was a featured guest on not one, but two of these fun and lively podcasts where we discuss TV pilots that never made It to a series form. The airdates are December 12th and Monday December 19th. Links to Couch Pilots Podcast: Twitter and the CPP Website.
Friday: Okay, from this coming Friday to next week’s Friday, we’ll be taking a break as I write and build up material for the rest of the year and beyond.
We’ll see you all tomorrow, now it’s time for some pain meds!
Related Post: Chest Of Sores.