Okay, I’ve really figured out the format for my next book. As I stated last week, I want to focus on the 365 Bars blog that got international attention back in 2010. I just decided on the title and it is: “A Guy Walks Back Into 19 Bars While Remembering 19 Years In New York City - A Five Day Diary of Bars, Beers and Memories…”
I realized that next January marks the 15th anniversary of the start of the blog and I’m hoping to release the book then. I’m also working on an accompanying website to be interactive with the book.
As I said, I’m going back to 19 bars that were on the list, these are 19 bars that were some of my favorite stops on the infamous bar tour and last week featured what will be my first stop when I return, Otto’s Shrunken Head.
My second stop will also be the actual second stop on the 365 day marathon and that bar was the Parkside Lounge, which is located on Houston Street. I’ve always loved their neon sign and this is a classic East Village bar.
The front half of the building is a bar with a definite “downtown NYC dive bar atmosphere.”
Here I am drinking a beer and taking in the place before shooting photos. Check out their website here.
I’ve got a lot of photos of people in the bar, a live band and the bar itself and you can see the whole post by clicking on this link: Day Two—Monday, January 11—Parkside Lounge.
I’m also talking about this forthcoming book and my time in New York on my YouTube Channel if you’d like to follow along there. It’s updated with a new video every Tuesday.
Okay, I have to get to work on the book now, we’ll see you all tomorrow!
Related Post: Looking Backwards: Otto’s Shrunken Head.