Last month, right before Christmas hit, we finished up our seven week, thirteen doughnut food tour and you can check out the final post for that by clicking right here.
And so that means that we’re going to do a palate cleansing with some ice cream and I’m going to announce the new, upcoming Tuesday food tour!
Usually I go to Emack and Bolio’s in the Heights for these, but they’re closed for the winter season and won’t be open until March, so I decided to go to another one of my favorite Peoria ice cream destinations, Las Delicias on Main Street! And so it’s off we go to get a proper palate cleansing!
Here we are at Las Delicias on Main Street and it is freezing cold out here, let’s get inside out of this winter mess!
Ah, it’s nice and warm in here and it looks great as always, let’s check out the ice cream treats in here!
They have a huge selection of homemade ice cream bars in the front freezers.
And there’s a nice inventory of all kinds of ice cream flavors over here and it’s all made right here in the shop! This ice cream is as fresh as you can imagine!
There’s Mary behind the counter, she’s been on the blog before and it’s great to see her again!
She made us up a nice ice cream palate cleanser!
There’s tables lining the walls and a large communal table up front to sit and enjoy your ice cream treats at.
I decided to sit up front where you can overlook the traffic whizzing by on Main Street.
I got a cup of pecan ice cream topped with a chocolate sauce and it looks absolutely delicious! Let’s dig in!
Wow, what a sweet treat! My palate is completely cleansed and I’m ready to move on to a new food tour here on MBIP!
Mary said they recently opened up a restaurant around the corner in the strip mall on Main Street and here it is: Junior’s Fish and Chicken! We’ll have to check that out soon! Nice to see a new local restaurant opening up!
And now, it’s time to announce the next MBIP Food Tour, oh Ringo, how’s about a drum roll here…
Thank you, Ringo and now, ladies and gentlemen, the next MBIP food tour is going to be…
A rib eating tour! Plus, Spinal Tap has the sequel to their movie coming up so I thought I’d combine the two for a special Spinal Rib MBIP eating tour!
That’s right, we’re going to enjoy ribs and Spinal Tap videos and references for this upcoming tour and of course it’s going to be 11 weeks!
Yes, this next rib eating food tour goes to 11 in a Spinal Tap Tribute! Stay tuned the first stop on this ribtacular tour that starts next Tuesday! I rib you not!
837 W. Main Street
Related Post: Palate Cleanser @: Emack & Bolio’s!