I thought I knew and have reported on every record store that’s left in Peoria, but I recently discovered there’s one I’ve never been to.
The other day I was wondering if there was a record store in the area I had never been to so I Googled “record stores in Peoria” and found out there’s a record store called Hudson Vinyl inside of Two Sisters Vendor Store on Lake Avenue.
Let’s go and check it out!
Here we are at the Two Sisters vendor store on Lake Avenue. Fun Trivia Fact: I worked in this building decades ago when it was the Eppel Furniture Store.
Let’s take a look around and find Hudson Vinyl!
There’s so much interesting and fun stuff in here, I could spend days just browsing and walking around, but we don’t have days, so let’s just keep moving along until we find Hudson Vinyl!
Here it is over in this corner: Hudson Vinyl Records. Let’s take a look around in here.
In addition to vinyl albums and 45 singles there’s also a huge selection of used cassette tapes in here.
Check out the album covers on the wall…hmm…I’ve never seen that Ramones album.
It’s an album of Ramones rarities, interesting!
It’s always fun to find these hidden gems in a record store!
They even have a nice collection of used eight track tapes in here. Someone alert Phil Luciano about this!
There’s also used books here, many of them are music related, of course.
Check out this sign, there’s even more budget records in the back of the store…
So I went to the back of the store and found this bin of records!
There’s a Head East album, which is timely as they’re playing a show here in May celebrating the 50th anniversary of this album!
I had that Rascals album years ago, there’s one from Nils Lofgren years before he joined the E Street Band and two John F. Kennedy albums. Funny that there’s two albums featuring a dead Kennedy but I didn’t see any Dead Kennedy albums!
I ended up buying that Ramones album and there’s Linda holding it up behind the front counter. I love her glasses!
Hudson Vinyl (In Two Sisters Vendor Store)
Oak Cliff Park
121 E. Lake Avenue
Related Post: Record Store Day 2017.